"An era that emphasizes self-development
and lifelong learning"
Various training
programs for each life cycle are provided
based on the human resource development
for employee competency and
career development.

  1. Development of
    Competency and
    Career of Employee

    GC offers a variety of training and network opportunities such as training courses, domestic/foreign academic seminars, and conferences to enhance job competency and professionalism. In addition, it supports customized, digital curation-based self-directed learning through the Smart Learning Platform.

  2. Leadership

    In addition, GC is gaining new insights for the development and planning of new businesses through collaboration and cooperation with domestic and foreign universities.

  3. Degree Support

    For recommended personnel of excellent quality, GC operates a degree and certificate acquisition support system as well as training opportunities to develop high-level competencies through domestic/foreign universities and professional training institutions.

Creating a Healthy Organizational
Culture for Game Changer

GC listens to the opinions and voices of its members and operates formal communication channels and regular meetings so that employees can directly participate in the operation of the company.

In addition, GC communicates with employees frequently through town hall meetings and expands the connection between executives and employees through team-building workshops.