GC Cell

We support individual growth by designing
customized development programs for
sustainable growth and competency of
executives and employees.

  1. Training to grow new

    GC Culture
    GC Cell Values(Vision, Management ideology, etc.)
    New employee OJT & Workshop New employee mentoring system

  2. Leadership course

    Team leader leadership course
    Next generation leader development course
    Job level and promoter course
    Self leadership & Biz Skill course

  3. Expert Academy

    GC University(Online)
    New executive business competency Course
    Company-wide common course (Basic Competency Learning)
    Job-wise common course (Job Specific Course)
    Salespeople competency building training Course
    Global competency improvement course (Language)
    Master's/doctor’s degree support course

  4. Training for legal matters
    and others

    Sexual harassment & harassment in the workplace prevention training
    Training to improve awareness of the disabled
    Training for Industrial safety and health
    Information security training
    Pharmacovigilance training
    CP ethics and GMP training