GC Biopharma

GC constantly thinks about the growth
of its members.
It is our role to provide
generous support and create an
environment where members can grow.

  1. Onboarding program to
    ensure a soft-landing
    for new hires

    GCBP provides an onboarding program to support the stable adaptation of new workers. After joining the company, GCBP provides introductory training, onboarding workshop, and networking activity to learn about GCBP's vision, management ideology, and organizational culture. New workers can learn the information needed for the company's life through online onboarding contents that are provided at all times.

  2. Offering opportunities to
    develop professional
    careers based on systems
    that foster competencies

    In order to take a leap forward as a global pharmaceutical company, GCBP establishes and supports a training system to analyze and strengthen the competency required for each role. Through job expertise diagnosis, members can understand their current level and competencies for the job, and they develop a self-development plan for future career development. The leader always gives feedback based on the self-development plans of members and actively supports the elements necessary for the growth.

  3. Fostering GCBP
    leaders and talent

    GCBP provides customized leadership training for self-leaders, prospective leaders, and leadership groups to help improve leadership capabilities for each role. The member goes through a systematic leadership Journey from leadership diagnosis to development.
    GCBP also operates various programs such as master's/doctor's degree and MBA support system for core member development.

  4. Creating a Self-Directed
    Learning Culture and
    Activity Support

    GC supports learning activities and their expenses in many ways through the self-directed learning community (Community of Practice) system. Members learn work-related knowledge together, share how to improve their work processes, and generate results through voluntary engagement.
    Employees can freely take a variety of online learning content that is updated each month for self-development.

  5. Support for Language
    Training to Strengthen
    Global Competency

    GC provides language training to become a global leader in the health industry for the future of mankind.
    Members can take language training in a variety of ways such as video/phone/face-to-face, and grow into experts with global competence.

Introducing the G Culture
How to work at GCBP

It is our speed to work faster.
It is our will to work younger.
It is our method to work stronger.
It is our culture to work faster, younger,
and stronger.

  1. Think Smart,
    Move Faster

    There are no perfect plans from the beginning. The secret to success is to take action and make corrections along the way rather than wasting time and hesitating.

  2. Take Ownership

    Know and understand what your role is even if you are not told, and do a good job at what you need to do.

  3. Give Clear &
    Specific Directions

    Clearly define why, what, by when, and how things must be done.

  4. Empower Your

    Give authority and empower your team, while not evading your roles and responsibilities as a leader.

  5. Respect First

    Regardless of rank, generation and gender, respect and have compassion for one another as colleagues.

  6. Change Helps
    You Grow

    Even if you have been doing the same job before, it doesn't mean you have to do it the same way over again. Learn to grow through trial and error.

  7. Enjoy Great

    Set your goals high, to beat your global competitor, and be brave to challenge yourself.

  8. Open to Sharing

    Be open to sharing information, knowhow, success and failure cases that is conducive to departments/individuals in their line of work.

  9. Create Customer

    Research what the market truly needs and be the first to create it, rather than following the market trends.

  10. Data Tells a Great

    Based on a comprehensive data analysis, see the bigger picture and discuss intensely rather than relying on fragmented evidence.

  11. Stay Focused at

    The cardinal rule among professionals is to have passion for work and enhancing focus on work.

  12. Perfect Details for

    Excellence is achieved when you contemplate things that others may not have thought about, and pursue details that others may have missed.