The way to a new company is like
opening the door of one world.
We will help you make your
journey to join GC an exciting
and enjoyable experience.
Document review
The applicant's experience, qualifications, and competency are comprehensively evaluated based on the JD (Job Description) of the position in the employment notice.
At GC, which employs position-based recruitment, the position JD is applied as a consistent evaluation standard not only for the document review but also for the final interview, so it is important to describe how much you actually contributed to the JD-related project in the application . -
1st interview
The first interview focuses on identifying practical job competencies.
We will review the experiences written on the resume and talk about how you can advance your career by joining GC in the future.
There may be differences in the interview method for each department, such as general interview and PT interview, so please refer to the guidance of the recruiting manager. -
interviewThe final interview will be a one-on-one or one-to-many interview with the CEO. It is the time to check the work experience, values, inclinations, and interest in the company and industry vision of applicants.
Applicants are also encouraged to use this as an opportunity to ask questions to the CEO before choosing a company and get answers. -
Reference check
(optional)A reference check will be conducted for only those with more than 6 years of experience. This is done with the consent of the applicant, and you can designate 3 referees who have experience working together.
By the non-face-to-face online survey method, designated referees can conveniently answer anytime, anywhere via PC or mobile. -
Preparation for
entranceAfter the final interview and reference check, applicants will go through the preparation process as follows.
For experienced employees, we will send you an Offer Letter regarding treatment by referring to your existing income data.
We will send you a health examination guide and a final acceptance letter after the treatment negotiation and admission are confirmed.
All required documents registration and employment contract should be completed online before joining the company.
Start On-boarding of GC Life in advance
by selecting options related to the work environment, including laptop and parking registration,
and reading the welcome messages from prospective team members and the GC Life White Paper about the company life!
Recruitment process
With ExperienceDocument