GC Biopharma

It is our speed to work faster.
It is our will to work younger.
It is our method to work stronger.
We think about the hr system that
brings faster, younger,
and stronger work culture.

  1. Work Focused
    on the Role

    We emphasize the original function of the position through the
    operation of the role-oriented position system.

    If an employee has the ability and expertise to act as a leader, that person will be given the opportunity to grow as a leader.

    We aim for horizontal communication through the "-nim" title.

    It creates a free atmosphere
    through the flexible dress code.

  2. Individuals and
    the company
    Grow Together

    Promote organizational and individual growth through practical and live feedback
    (absolute evaluation/multi-faceted evaluation).

    Provides various growth opportunities
    (online/offline learning
    support-external Master's/Doctor's degree support)

    Provides individual-led career development opportunities
    (internal job posting)

  3. Reasonable and
    Fair Compensation

    Operates a customized compensation system that takes
    into account individual duties/roles/performance.
    (target performance/management performance/other incentives)

  4. Variety of
    Work Systems
    to Help Focus on Job

    The environment and time for optimum focus on the job may vary depending on the person and the
    job. In order to provide a better environment for focused work, we operate a flexible commuting hour system and work hour select system, a compensation break system and satellite office system.

    Clarifying the boundaries between work and life is one way to value
    our lives. We operate the PC-off system that turns off the PC at the end of working hours.